Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A trip to AS is never a treat for us who come from the College of Music. Not only in our GE subjects are we experiencing recurrent marginalization but also in almost all aspects we try to involve ourselves in. To be deemed apathetic is already a gratifying understatement as compared to what is being prejudiced upon us, and that is us being ignorant of our social relevance. For one, we are admittedly apathetic and apathetic to the point of letting ourselves be represented by the leaders appointed who are not so well thought of.

Our apathy lets in the surging waves of consummersim, art commercialism and lack of cultural diversity and preservation blow after blow. This is manifested by some of our student leaders who are products of crush voting, good to look at and nothing more. We have been marred by consummerism to the point of infusing lookism in our politics. The financially capable and physically alluring win the race without question of their being capable of effectively advocating the welfare of the people, instigating change for the betterment of the system, upholding the credibility of educated musicians and representing them as purposeful, functional individuals of society. Some of these student leaders only seem to care how big of a feather it is on their caps to be a leader, without even considering to act upon their responsibilities. And us, being apathetic, lack crucial judgement to see past these atrocious motives. It has become their reason, or excuse rather, for social neutrality to be propagators of art for art's sake, as if we all are.

Art for art's sake has been the scapegoat for the socially ignorant. Art is as functional as it is powerful. It is rightful to impose that from Plato and Aristotle and their Doctrine of Ethos, we have deduced that aural art consummately influence persons' principles, actions and emotions. Majority of the people in our college, including the leaders, seem to function lacking ulterior motives which makes us less utilitarian, less purposeful in the system of existing peoples. We appear as propagators of elitist art, which depletes the power of influence imposed upon us which in turn makes our existence quite a laugh for some who have more purposeful motives than self-gratification. In truth we are not socially neutral, we are socially indifferent.

As musicians, our lack of political involvement and social awareness is an insult to our distinctive inborn abilities. We have been impassive to the probable altruistic, nationalistic, patriotic nature of our influence and instead have been consumed by the Westernized educational system we are being enslaved to. Our cultural distinction became more of a cultural compromise to accomodate ideologies we find more appropriate in a globally changing world. We are embracing art commercialism because of our impassivity as if it were an ally to our war with acceptance in society, luring us into a place of fast money-making. We are socially marginalized because we appear to contribute not much to society. And it is in mediocrity we find ourselves a place. Mediocrity is the ultimate manifestation of futility, in our endeavors, in our education, in our individualistic existence. It is high time to abhor our being apathetic and gain ourselves respect for our true purpose to bring social change. Let us care not to be falsely represented at the very least.

*Random musings with Val. SC for Social Concern. Emphasis on SOME. Come on.

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